Rosalie Claire
Big Mister & I took the Little Misters to my parents house Sunday morning & were planning to go out for breakfast for our anniversary then head on out to my Grammie's so I could do laundry & so I could start on getting dinner ready for Easter while they were in church. As I was getting ready to leave my parents, Little Mister 2 came up to me & wanted a hug, so I went to pick him up like I normally would to hug him & felt a little leakage of something. I wasn't sure if it was my water breaking or if baby had laid on my bladder wrong (it wouldn't have been the first time!), so I went to their restroom to use the restroom & it continued once I was done & would move. I hollered for my mom & had her get me a pad, so I could keep clean if it kept happening. I informed her of what was going on & that if it continued, I was going to end up at the hospital. My the time I got to the car, I had already soaked through that pad. I told Big Mister that I thought we needed to head on home, so I could get everything we didn't have with us in the car & then head to the hospital. By the time we got home, the newspaper I placed in the carseat to sit on & my sweats were both soaked through. As he got everything we needed together, I cleaned up a little more, called Labor & Delivery & they told me to come on in.
We got to the hospital around 10:30 am & I got changed into the gown & got hooked up to the monitors & everything. The nurse used the paper stuff & instantly said my water had broken - no question about it. They admitted me & she checked my cervix. I was dilated to 5. Contractions WERE registering on their monitors, but I couldn't felel them.
They got my IV in around noon, after a blown vein. She got the blood she needed to draw, but once she started flushing my veins for the IV, it started burning & she said she thought she blew the vein, so I got it in the crook of my arm.
At around 1:2 they came back in to check my progress. I was still at a 5, but not much of a stretch to a 6. My heart rate was elevated, contractions 1-2 minutes apart, and very low sugar levels. They gave me apple juice. I was 80% effaced & at a -1 station.
We walked, I used the birthing ball, I showered. Contractions were getting stronger but they weren't helping me progress anymore. I got a shot in the arm for pain, Stadol, that helped for about an hour, then BAM... the pain was absolutely unbearable. They checked me - I was at a 7. Finally progress @ 7:00 PM! I asked for the epidural. Got that put in around 7:30 PM & they started me on pitocin.
Around 8:30, I think, they came in & took me OFF the pitocin because with every contraction, baby's heart rate would spike up really high. The epidural helped really well for about an hour. No feeling contractions!! I slept good until about 9:00 then I started having these really sharp pains in my right lower abdomen. I told my mom to go get the nurse because I was having a lot of pressure & they needed to check me. I was at a 9 with a little ring of cervix left. This continued until about 10:30ish. The nurse came back in to check me I was still the same but my body was pushing with out me trying to. Both of the OB's were in emergency c-sections & the pediatrician on duty was as well. The nurse ran & told the OB's that they had maybe 5 minutes to get to my room or she would be delivering a baby. At 6 minutes, the OB (not mine but the one who was actually on call) ran into the room & said, "Let's get this show on the road." She looked, Little Miss was crowning. I pushed twice & she said, "Give me your hand." She put my hand on the baby's head. Most amazing thing I've ever felt! With 3 more pushes, I had her head out & 1 more she was out.
She was born at 10:45 PM weighing in at 7 lb 15.5 oz, 20 inches long, 13" head & 13 3/4" chest.
She scored a 9 on the 5 minute APGAR, her first sugar reading was 34, they gave my mom a bottle of glucose water (after my grandparents had left & it was just Big Mister, My mom & I left in the room.) She is a pro at nursing.
We are all completely in love!! The Little Mister's love their little sister to bits. Little Mister 2 is always saying how much he loves her & anything we leave the room, he goes to sit on the coffee table to watch her! If she even makes the slightest noise, he comes to tell us.
Congrats, she's beautiful