Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More tested patterns!!

I am currently in the process of testing a pattern for a pair of pants & a matching bonnet for Veronica's Crochet on facebook!!

But in the mean time - I have also tested a pattern for Treasures & Trinkets by Tiffany. I was able to test her pattern for this adorable Newborn Baby Chick Hat Which you can purchase for the very reasonable price of $1.99!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Patterns I've tested (4-19-13)

I was offered a chance to test a couple patterns for Veronica's Crochet!

The first pattern was for her Vintage Scalloped Bonnet. I tested it in size 0-3 Month! (Since I have a model that size!)

I did my version in ILTY Grape from Hobby Lobby and added a cute butterfly button to hold the strap!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

35 by 35

I have a list of 35 things I want to do by the time I am 35!! This has been written down for quite a while!! I have 6 years 5 months to accomplish all that are not strike out!

Saturday, April 6, 2013